Plexpert eLearning - Online courses
Visual design, Graphic design, Motion graphics
Plexpert Canada and Germany

Online education
for plastic industry
The ever-growing Plexpert eLearning is a platform containing online courses that are focused on training anyone involved in plastics technology.
With professionals in plastics that helped the project by sharing their expertise, we have the goal to create learning material to educate people on different sectors of the plastic industry, in order to make them achieve more eco-friendly and more efficient production results.
Social media video ad I created to promote the
online course of Injection molding defects - Sink marks

For this educational project, first, we educated ourselves with the use of a competition audit and some surveys to colleagues (employees and employers) from other companies in the plastic industry, as well as we made some interviews about their past experiences with learning material (printed and digital) focused on their field to have a better understanding of their needs.
After learning from this information, we had some sessions to discuss about these findings and we started to define what shall be our direction and plan.
We initially decided that our eLearning material will consist of voiced animated video lessons, a written script of the video, quizzes and of course a web design of a platform containing all these features.
For this, I created the initial interactive layout of our first eLearning course, with the use of a LMS web application and some HTML/CSS customization I did. And I also integrated motion graphics videos and video edition I created for each lesson. From here, we went into an iterative process of design adjustments with the feedback from the testers, which were a mixed variety of non-experts and experts in the industry. We were fortunate to have testers of diverse backgrounds: Located in Canada, USA, some European countries and Thailand.

Social media post video ad I produced
to promote Plexpert eLearning platform
Social media video ad I created to promote
the course of Bosses in Plastics Parts

During the last 4 years of content creation and refining of Plexpert eLearning, we learned so much from our users and testers. And this knowledge is reflected in the features we implemented in these online courses in order to solve the pain points we found.
Some of these features that were integrated and tested over time were:
• An even more responsive interface for diverse screen sizes, from a mobile phone to a wide screen.
• A tool tip glossary system that would describe terms in the plastic industry.
• Time buttons in the written script that allow a user to go directly to a certain part of a video lesson.
• An index of the lessons with links to each of them
• More instructions of how to proceed with the course navigation.
• More visual information about the progress of a course.

Social media video ad of the Glossary for Plastic Industry,
a section of Plexpert eLearning
Nowadays, Plexpert eLearning counts more than 30 eLeraning courses, between English and German language, with 5 different affiliate companies involved (and others interested in joining), and other courses on current plan development.